My time with HCA

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My time with Honduras Child Alliance was the best experience of my college career. I went the summer before my senior year of college as part of an internship and it was incredible. My favorite part about the work we did itself was the fact that every day was different. Some days you would be teaching kindergarten, youth, and adult English classes and other days you would be out in the community handing out flyers about our classes. Or working on constructing a baño for a family in the community. But no matter what you were doing you were always surrounded by the incredible friends you made with other volunteers and community members! Nights were filled with family dinners with volunteers or long conversations with friends in the community, and sometimes even a quick lesson on how to dance bachata or how to make a good tortilla. You really feel like a part of the community with HCA and that makes the whole experience that much more incredible. I loved it so much I’ve decided to return for a year!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed