Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

To someone who is considering traveling with GIVE, just do it and do not overthink it. Save the money and book the trip because I promise, what you gain back from the experience is priceless. A GIVE trip like Nicaragua will change your perspective and in result will change your life. I am not the same coming back home. I feel more aware and more grateful for living. This trip is educational, inspiring, and fun. You work hard in the classroom and worksite, but have fun doing it. This part of the trip is incredibly humbling and rewarding. And the cultural immersion activities are amazing as well. You step into real locals homes for the day and learn their crafts. The locals make you feel like family and despite any language barrier, loving connections are formed. Lastly, the connections you make with fellow volunteers are genuine. All judgment is washed away when you're all sweating and struggling alongside each other and you get to really meet people for who they are. Learn their stories of why they came to this country and see how much you have in common.
This GIVE trip changed my life and it WILL do the same for you as well. Nicaragua is a beautiful country and needs volunteers like you to come and support it.
Thank you GIVE for all the #goodvibes.
Highlights included...
- Meeting like-minded volunteers/students and forming deep, real, and long-lasting friendships
- Meeting locals and finding how much in common you have
- Being embraced by locals
- Disco Techa, dancing freely
- Delicious and healthy meals every day(fresh fruit)
- Learning to surf and make cheese/tortillas/fish/bracelets
- Hiking up and active volcano and sliding down it(and looking at the views from up top)
- Adventuring around a city called Leon
- Beach volleyball
- Mangrove and estuary tour/hike
- Morning yoga outside
- Learning from our intelligent and inspiring guides, Daniela and Carmen
- Learning some Spanish
- Learning about and experiencing the strong Latin culture, first-hand
- Good Vibes and long chats every night with the group
And so much more!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed