Laos GIVE Volunteer Trip

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

As a mom on this trip, I wholeheartedly recommend this trip for the educational and life changing experience it is set up to be. I loved the fact that there were no hidden agendas and that we as volunteers were expected to honor the Lao culture and community. Instead we worked alongside the people to make their ideas a reality. We taught English, played games, participated in cultural ceremonies and worked to create a permaculture plot to provide an alternative to other farming methods.
The guides for this trip are nothing short of amazing people who work hard day and night to ensure safety and also provide insight into the people and places we encountered. Parents send tour your kids and know that they will be well taken care of and come back to you well-nourished - physically, mentally, educationally, and spiritually. Or better yet, go with them and have your own life-changing experience!! I loved it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed