Amazing Internship Experience in Dublin

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had the absolute pleasure to have interned with a non-profit organization during my stay in Dublin. Through my internship site, I was able to travel around Ireland in efforts to manage and execute volunteer projects in communities in need. My internship allowed me to put my leadership skills to the test, which oftentimes was difficult for me due to fear in leading large groups of professionals. After two-months of being put in leadership positions, I have gained confidence in myself, of which is a skill that will be useful in my roles in my extracurriculars in my university and in future employment. I have gained a new insight into the Irish life which has allowed me to broaden my cultural perspectives. Global Experiences could not have given me a more fulfilling placement and experience in Dublin than the one I had!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed