Professional Growth and Cultural Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Being in the Global Experiences program in Dublin has given me professional growth, lifelong friends and a chance to travel Ireland and the world. My placement was at a top company in my industry in Ireland, and I was able to work with some of the nicest and most supportive people I've ever met. Our accommodation was set up for us in a nice spot just outside the city and had top notch amenities. Global Experiences also provided us with social events that were a combination of eating out, cultural experiences and day trips around Ireland including Cliffs of Moher, Galway and Belfast. Living and working abroad is more immersive than traveling, and opens your mind to new cultures and experiences. This was a rare opportunity to live abroad, and Global Experiences helped make my time here unforgettable.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed