Agriculture and Environment National Expedition and Internship

Growth: 3
Support: 3
Fun: 4
Housing: 2
Safety: 4

This program is so unique from your typical study abroad. It allowed us to see so much of New Zealand instead of just remaining at one university. We spent the entire first two weeks of the program traveling from the south island all the way up to the north island. During this time, we stayed in ten different places and visited farms, national parks, wineries, and wildlife centers. All the traveling, combined with assignments due every few days was very exhausting but it was also very rewarding as we saw so many beautiful landscapes in so little time. My main complaint here is that I wish we had more time at each location to explore on our own. Following our expedition, we settled down for our next four weeks to complete an internship in the Hawke's Bay area. Many of us were slightly disappointed with the internship placements and organization surrounding it. Although my internship did not directly apply to my major, I made the best of it and gained valuable skills just by working in a different country. I am glad I took part in this program as it allowed for countless unique experiences, however, looking back I would only recommend it to people who are very interested in agriculture as the assignments apply more to those students than the environmental science ones like myself.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed