
Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

When you’re online and you look for reviews, you want to find the ones that not only tell you the pros, but also the cons. This review, in particular, will not be like that; this is not because of bias or lack of perspective, but because there were no negatives. Sounds hard to believe, but hear me out.

We experienced Morocco from the point of view of a native and a tourist. We were able to see the country and it’s landmarks. We drove around the country and slept in several cities. But when it came to immersing ourselves, we could not rely on tourism. We traveled to the Atlas and we stayed with a family for twelve days. Those twelve days opened everyone’s eyes and truly induced a feeling of culture shock.

In short, The Experiment truly opened everyone’s minds through its thoughtful planning. I definitely recommend the experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed