Village Book Malawi

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 4

I have spent the last few weeks in Malawi, a country that surely lives up to its name, “The Warm Heart of Africa.”

The purpose of my trip was to participate in the construction of a library in a remote village called Kadzakalowa. I went with a group called Village Book Builders, whose mission is to instill generational difference among villages around the world. It filled my heart to see how excited people of all ages were to use the library resources and it was even more precious to see children who didn’t know how to read open books and make up stories based on the drawings and “read” to other children.

Within the library, there were of course books available to check out, as well as lanterns so that where there is no electricity, it would be possible to see at night. This is especially impactful on the young girls who had to walk long distances in the dark to attend school.

Perspective comes from experience and understanding, and I am grateful for the opportunity I had for my eyes to be opened. Malawi and its people will always have a warm place in my heart. I will always recommend participating in an experience such as this, and I feel that Village Book Builders balances enjoyment with meaningful work that impacts lives for generations to come.

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Year Completed