Loop Abroad Amazon Veterinary Service Trip 2019

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This was my third trip with Loop Abroad, my first being in 2017. I had a blast, loop abroad is great at making you feel safe if you’re traveling by yourself or a first time traveler. I find the trips both very fun and a great learning experience! Both the program staff and location staff are super friendly! This location is great for people interested in both the conservation side and clinical side of the veterinary field. Loop abroad is a great program for making friends while traveling. I loved the white river rafting, it was so much fun! You also get to vistit a local chocolate plantation that is about a 15minute caneo ride from runa wasi, you get to watch and learn how chocolate is made. The best part is getting to try the freshly made chocolate afterwards!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed