Thailand intro

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

This was my second tour I have done and by far the best! Not only did I have an amazing group but also an amazing leader - Ben, who made the trip so relaxing, organized and fun. Previously I had been to Bali, not with a tour, and fell in love with the country but after seeing Thailand in all its beauty I have changed my mind and I will definitely be returning. The itinerary for the tour allowed us to see so many different aspects from cultural to the party life of Thailand. The food was amazing everywhere we went. Most places offered a western option just incase Thai food wasn’t your thing. All the local tour guides we had were very knowledgeable and friendly. Intro have been amazing and I’m my opinion the value for money is so good. Just want to say a huge thank you to our tour guide Ben for looking after us and giving us the most memorable experience. I have already put a deposit down towards my next intro travel group!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed