My Small Getaway in South Korea

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I'm about to leave Seoul and I'm seriously going to miss every little adventure I had in this country with my friends, coworkers, and family.

Ever since I was little, it was always my dream to visit South Korea because of how beautiful the country was. Lucky for me, I had some of my childhood friends move out to Seoul which meant that they knew the ins and outs of the city which made my life so much easier. Workwise, my coworkers were so friendly. They taught me everything I needed to know and guided me through all the problems I had.

I would like to also commend AIP for making my life easy as well. I didn't want to op for the standard package at first because of its price but then I felt like I wanted to experience being comfortable, and boy I was not disappointed. The people at AIP made me feel comfortable and always checked up on me just to make sure everything was okay, which was honestly very appreciative of them since my first week in South Korea was really quiet and lonely.

Anyways, Seoul has my heart now and I will definitely come back.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed