Best trip ever

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

I have just arrived home from my first trip and I can’t even describe how amazing it was! I was lucky enough to have Jess as my group leader and her singing, dance moves and genuine love of the job made the trip.
I have come away with memories to last a lifetime, from waking up in a floating bungalow, to dancing on the beach and kayaking through a national park - the tour exceeded all expectations. We were in a group of 21, everyone formed the most amazing friendships and not a day went past without a laugh or some questionable singing. Everything was so well organised, with part thought through and Jess made sure that everyone was always having fun, well fed and stocked up with sea sickness tablets!! have already booked two more trips and cannot wait to go again! If you’re unsure about booking then I would 10/10 recommend! One of the best trips I’ve done and wish I could do it all over again!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed