Excellent Course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

I took this course at a difficult time in my life but the support I received at TEFL Academy was incredible. The online portion of the course was very well laid out and the progress tests and assignments were very easy to understand. The three assignments push you to think outside the box and give you a good experience of what lesson planning will be like in future placements.

The lesson material was very well thought out as well and gave you examples of issues you will likely experience in any classroom setting, as well as examples on how to treat these.

Overall, I felt as though it was a very comprehensive online course with a very good complimentary inclass session. I did my course over two days and though the days were long, the instructors were incredible and made the time fly.

Definitely go with TEFL Academy

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed