A great adventure

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Before choosing The Fewer Things I looked at a few other options but the reviews and offer they had were amazing so me and my boyfriend decided to go for it and It has not disappointed. We have been in China for 6 months now and honestly can't see ourselves going back to the U.K. anytime soon. The apartment we got downtown Shanghai is great and only a 5 minute walk to the metro station, so it is not that far to get to our school (about 30 minutes)

The teaching is fun and pretty relaxed, you can end up doing teaching the same lesson a few times a week because you don't always see the same the same class twice in a week. But that means less lesson planning!

We really liked the social side of things in the run up to China and once here, Jaemi from The Fewer Things creates a group chat with all of the applicants, so you get to know people before you even arrive and everyone helps each other out with the online TEFL and visa process. I would recommend this programme to anyone 100 times over.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed