Volonteering with Atlas

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volonteering with Atlas in Ghana was the most amazing and unforgettable experience I've had. The team was amazing and was always there with us. Not one minute did I feel their needed improvement considering where we were. Working with the kids and the locals was such a great experience, everyone is so nice and welcoming. Not once I've been afraid of being alone or adventuring on my free time. Another amazing aspect is the freedom they give us on our free time. I definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to live a wonderful life changing experience. A little special thank you to Sam the founder of atlas. One of the most amazing person I've met. With his participation and his support, and I speak for everyone, even if we had some small everyday normal issues, he was always there for us. And a special thank you to Libby, the coordinator and Sam's partner, could have not done it without her. She basically has her heart in the foundation and gives every little drop of sweath to make sure all the Volonteers are happy and comfortable at all times.

Thank you atlas for this amazing experience ♥️

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed