WOW, what a trip of a lifetime!

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

After discovering Intro Travel back in 2017 and booking their Bali Intro (which by the way was absolutely amazinggg) I was eager to book another Intro Tour.

The Sri Lanka experience was released and it instantly caught my eye, just reading the itinerary got me excited to discover a new destination. Sri Lanka was a country I knew little about and booking my trip for December 2018 not many people I knew had travelled there.

Dave was my Intro Group Leader and I couldn’t of wanted a better leader for this tour. Not only was Dave fully knowledgable of his role and of Sri Lanka, he was welcoming, friendly and funny and was so accommodating for everyone on tour giving them an experience of a lifetime. I was also super impressed at how he had only been in Sri Lanka a few months and had already picked up their local language and really immersed the group with the locals.

We were also accompanied by a local tour guide called Prasad who was an absolute legend. Hearing the stories of his life and home in Sri Lanka really gave that extra touch and really made the trip even more special.

What’s so great about Intro is not only do the tour leaders provide such great service, I now consider them great friends and would definitely recommend them over and over again.

Travelling Sri Lanka has definitely been a highlight of my travels so far and I will cherish the memories I made forever. As a solo traveller, I could not think of a better way or better company to explore new destinations with.

I can’t wait to see what new tours Intro has to offer as I will definitely be booking another trip with them in the future.

Thanks Intro for being so amazing.


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