Remote Internship for a change

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I had the opportunity to participate in AIP's newly introduced "Remote Internship" program. I've had my eyes on Japan for the longest time but the timing was just disappointing with the whole coronavirus attacking the whole word.

Nonetheless, my parents found out about AIP and introduced the opportunity to me, skeptical at first, I saw it as a great chance to actually get something done during this stay-at-home scene. My point of contact was very helpful and guided me throughout everything and made sure I was satisfied with my choices. They even took the time to check up on me from time to time just to see how I was doing, and I really appreciated that. The company I worked for gave me the necessary training and was actually kind enough to give me enough time to complete the tasks given considering the time zones. It would obviously be better if I was there in person, but this was good enough for me.

Safe to say, I have something to put onto my CV for the future.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed