Great time in India

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I went to India with volunteering solutions and it all went extremely well. The organization was super. I volunteered in a slum school in okhla two, I saw all of the sights in new Delhi, I ate excellent food, I met wonderful people, I saw amazing things. I learned alot. I spent two weeks in new Delhi on the two week special new Delhi program and one week in Palumpur. New Delhi was the best. Very exciting for a city boy like me. Tour guides and tours were provided for all of the sights including the Taj Mahal, really good guides. Dheeraj was really a great guide and a great help to all of the volunteers. It was great to call him one night when I got lost with a cab driver who had only been in the city for a week!
For me the best part was the school kids. They were all adorable and beautiful and really liked me! I will be going back in a few months. I miss them all so much. The people at the school were wonderful.
Shankar the cook is a fine young Nepalese fellow who makes great meals and will show you how to get around Delhi and will help you get a phone etc.
I went during a slower time and had my own room and bath most of the time. The accommodation is shared and you may be sharing a room with 1 to 5 people. The bathrooms are western and clean.

Don't you around during the monsoon or anytime near august, you will roast, it is hot!
Bring a mosquito net, people going in and out let in the Mosquitos.
Bring an unlocked phone.
I brought my iPad, it was a sensation.
If you can bring a free checked bag fill it with school supplies and maybe some children's books.

I could really go on and on. Every day there was filled with fun. I went with the idea of being of service but also balanced it with having a good time. All of my goals were accomplished.

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Yes, I would