The Best Ever

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

As an Alumni, the experiment digital is one of the best exchange programs ever, I got a lot from it
First of all, When i got started the program I faced some difficulties and it's normal everyone who practices a new thing he is going to face difficulties, but in TED I got a peer mentor and also a Facilitator, they are one of the best people I know in my life, when I got an issue in any activity or directly I was going to them
Secondly, in TED I had the chance to gain the most important skills which can help me in my life to be a successful leader such as :
Leadership, Critical Thinking, become an innovative designer, creative communicator, resourceful changemaker ......etc
finally, the best part is you are going to meet people from several countries and different backgrounds and this gonna help you to be creative in your perspective as well as your creativity in your projects and also you life

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed