A great Internship

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

I did my first virtual internship with CFHI in August 2020. As a Master of Public Health student from India, it was a great learning opportunity for Public Health management in low resource settings of Uganda. Though it was completely online, Dr. Geoffrey literally walked me through the health burdens, health systems, pandemic management, and cultural aspects of Uganda. I developed a well informed critical thinking mindset to approach Global Health and Public Health from the grassroots/community level.
The entire CFHI team immensely helped to bridge the possible gap of cross-cultural differences. The quality of the internship teaching materials is so superior that I delved into multiple features of Public Health. Thankyou CFHI and the partner organization KIHEFO, Uganda, for that awesome Internship experience.

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Year Completed