Fantastic Experience!

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

I am so grateful to have discovered this opportunity through my university. Connect-123 was very deliberate in pairing me with an internship that I would enjoy and in a field that I was interested in. I was ultimately paired with a human rights lawyer in Barcelona and I have learned so much from her and from the work that I am doing. Being a virtual intern has strengthened and developed so many valuable skills for me, not only through the very well-organized internship but also through the virtual experience. Through all of the bumps in the road along the way, Connect-123 was there to provide me support. They helped me figure out the issues I was having, offered solutions, and gave me what I needed to proceed with confidence. The workshops and discussions also contributed greatly to my personal and professional development. Connect-123 doesn't just put you in an internship, they make sure that you're able to grow in your position and be able to use it in your future endeavors. I highly recommend pursuing an international, virtual internship through Connect-123!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed