Online International Internship Experience

Content: 5
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

Bryn Doyle

Human Rights Intern - Virtual/Remote

University of Southern California

I discovered Connect-123 through my university's study abroad office. I had just been sent home from my year abroad due to Covid-19 when I received the email about Connect-123. Going into my final semester of undergraduate school online was not what I had planned, and the semester looked bleak. So, when I heard about the opportunity to continue my abroad experience online and get great experience, I applied right away. Connect-123 not only took great care in finding me an internship in my area of interest, but they kept checking in on me throughout the internship. These check-ins really helped me adjust to having a school semester and internship online. They were available to answer my questions and support me throughout the process. Connect-123 also hosts seminars for participants, so we can learn how to make the most of our online internships. I definitely would not have been able to find this opportunity on my own, and I would recommend Connect-123 to anyone who wants to contribute meaningful work at an international level. I am grateful for the opportunity Connect-123 provided me and I don't think my final semester would have been the same without it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed