Amazing Experience!

Content: 4
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 4
Value: 5

This was a totally new experience for me and I couldn't be happier I decided to apply. At first, I was worried because I am a generally shy person, but after meeting with my family, I felt so welcomed and appreciated. I learned so much, not only from the STEM activities but also just by talking with people from Egypt and learning about others' cultures. Coming out of this program, I feel so much more open-minded and confident in myself. The other applicants were all so accepting and loving. I feel I particularly benefitted from sharing my own thoughts on global issues as well as listening to others. Every person had a different perspective to share, and it opened my eyes to new possibilities. Overall, Experiment Digital was an amazing experience!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed