Living my Cheetah Girls 2 Dream!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

With the uncertainty of COVID, I could have never imagined traveling around the world to Barcelona, Spain. But, despite the constant changes in rules and regulations, I was able to travel to one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I will be eternally grateful for being able to partake in the incredible experience of interning in Barcelona while also being safe during the 8 wonderful weeks I was there. It was the perfect combination of professional experience in an engineering company and adventures through Spain with amazing people I met through Absolute. The company I was placed in was so kind and helpful; they made sure I had all the tools I needed to succeed and provided an opportunity for me to go beyond a classroom setting-utilizing everything I had learned for the past 4 years in college. While I was only an intern, I was trusted to work on two big projects-hands on experience with a robot-and actually be a part of the team! Working abroad also allowed me an experience not many people have in their professional careers; I truly believe this is extremely beneficial in exposing yourself to different ways the world works and allows you to learn how to adapt to your surroundings. Along with this boost in experience and another thing to add to my resume, I met many amazing individuals: those also interning abroad, members of the Absolute team, and local residents of Spain. I was able to see astonishing sights like Park Güell and Montjuïc Castle; traveling outside of Barcelona on weekend trips to other parts of Spain (organized by Absolute); experience daily beach trips, delicious food, and cross off my top bucket list item-swim with sharks. None of this would have been possible without the support of Absolute Internship; their guidance allowed me to live my dream and I am so happy I decided to embark on this journey!

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