A life-changing experience!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My time in Barcelona was a truly life-changing experience and a dream-come-true-event. In these unique and uncertain times, I consider myself fortunate and privileged to have had the opportunity to intern abroad, and the Absolute Internship Barcelona Programme was the ideal match (an excellent decision!). I’ve had the opportunity to obtain work experience and grow as a result of it. I’ve never been confident in my social skills, and this experience has unlocked the inner and doubtful side of myself, allowing me to step beyond my comfort zone. It was unquestionably a fantastic blend of fun moments (outside of the working hours) and professional experience. During my four weeks as an intern in Barcelona, I met some wonderful people and established lifelong friends. I have enjoyed every single moment of my work experience; and being able to experience a working environment has led me to unlock the potential within myself and explore the skillset that I have attained during my academic experience, as well as to develop new life skills that will undoubtedly benefit myself in the future. Barcelona is a fantastic and dynamic city with fascinating architecture, delicious food, friendly people, and stunning sightseeing. During my time in Barcelona, I was able to explore the city and got comfortable living there for a month because it felt like home! I got to know and explore Madrid, Girona, and many other places in Spain, and within Barcelona such as Camp Nou, Catalunya, La Sagrada Familia, Las Ramblas, and many more. Outside the office, I’ve spent time with wonderful people who have made this experience even more memorable. I will be eternally thankful to Absolute Internship for providing me with this fantastic opportunity. And a particular thanks to the Absolute team members, coordinators, and entire organisation for always making me feel welcome, at home, and never alone. Finally, I’d want to express my gratitude to Absolute Internship for the excellent work and well-organised experience, and state unequivocally that it was all worthwhile!!! Without the assistance of Absolute Internship, none of this amazing and unforgettable experience in Barcelona would have been possible. I am grateful for this opportunity, and I will definitely apply again in the future.

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