Mechina Galil Elyon Amir

Housing: 3
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

I signed up for Kol Ami for their new shlucha - Galil Elyon Amir -. When I arrived I found out that the mechina is not Kol Ami but rather Galil Elyon. At first I was disappointed because i wanted to do Kol Ami but now, two months in I am so happy that i am in Mechina Galil Elyon. The program is very serious and difficult but it pushes you to challenge and change your self in ways you didn’t think you could. Its crazy hard and when you tell people what you did they will think you are crazy but it is worth it. The connections you will make, the experience you will have the fun that will come is insane. K heard from Alumni of Galil Elyon that there is no way to describe what Mechina is, now going through it I agree. All I can say is if you want to push yourself grow and change, come, you won’t regret it, Kol Ami or Galil Eylon.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed