
Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I travelled to Ghana with PMGY to do the childcare programme. The trip was an unreal experience and you meet so many amazing people! If you’re concerned about travelling out there on your own, you honestly have nothing to worry about as Seth will meet you and the other arrivals at the airport to take you to the accommodation the next day. The people who look after you whilst you’re out there are really accomplished and will help you with anything you need. The weekend trips are generally something that most volunteers take part in and are really worth going to as you get to do so many interesting things. Volunteering at the orphanage can be overwhelming initially but is overall very rewarding and worth while. You should make sure you take wipes with you and sponges as the water does sometimes go out. It’s also worth taking clothes such as hoodies and other comfortable clothing for when you’re chilling in the evenings and maybe something for going out in as most weeks everyone goes out for karaoke night! Also the more donations you can gather before you go, the better! Even if it’s just stationary, it’s really appreciated.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed