There are better programs

Growth: 5
Support: 2
Fun: 5
Housing: 2
Safety: 5

I used AIP to come to Korea. The internship experience was great, but that is definitely not thanks to aip. One of the interns I met used ISA to come to Korea, and not only was it $2,000 cheaper, her accommodation was much nicer and the program manager living in Korea was much more helpful to her. They went out for lunch together multiple times and her package even included free trips by ISA (like visiting the sky tower).

In comparison: my housing was much smaller (again her program was $2,000 cheaper), the manager living in Korea was not of great help to me and her attitude towards Korea was very negative (she said she hated the language here and wish she didn’t understand it). Lastly I had trouble at the airport upon arriving and was actually stuck there for 3 hours because AIP did not give me anyone’s korean contact number. And the check in time to my accommodation was wrong by 4 hours- I had to wait in a cafe alone for almost the whole day because of this. (side note: the manager living in Korea dropped me off at the cafe and left immediately, fully knowing I couldn’t speak any Korean at the time so I didn’t know how to order)

Final thoughts: the internship itself was great and I met a lot of people, but that is not thanks to AIP. If you want a cheaper and better quality program I recommend going to ISA or a different internship program

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No, I would not
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Olga was the on-site manager and honestly she seemed to have a very negative attitude. Additionally, I saw (in person) what the accommodation for the intern using ISA looked like, and it was much nicer and bigger.