Study Abroad

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I was the only person from my university and region of the United States to go to this university abroad. I was in a completely new environment and knew no one and I have never felt more included at a university. The students were inclusive and inviting, and we’re always down to go do something. On my first day there, my airline lost my luggage (a rare occurrence let me tell you). I had been traveling for 23 hours, slept for about 6 and all I had with me was the clothes on my back and a backpack. It took the airline an extra 6 hours to get my stuff back. In that time I was waiting the rumor spread down the dorm that I had nothing and people invited me to the mall to help me get stuff, they offered what they could and helped me pass the time. My experience at JCU only got better from there. With these people we traveled up and down the coast, went scuba diving, held a koala, went to Bali, and explore Townsville. By the end of my semester it felt like a second home. Once you come here, you’ll never want to leave.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed