The best 8 weeks ever

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Trying to describe my time in Ghana is one of the hardest things. I don’t think words can adequately express how incredible my 8 weeks with GVI was and the impact it has had on me, but I’m going to give it a go!
The most heart filling, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding, fun, and exciting experience I could have ever imagined, which greatly surpassed any expectations I had.
I signed up for the international development internship, and through which I helped organise the GVI Ghana Earth Day event and fundraising. This consisted of going into three local schools in Kokrobite to give a presentation on reasons for keeping the community clean in how this can be done. Following this we hosted a mass beach clean collecting 900kg of rubbish with 100 members of the Kokrobite community coming together with us to start to make the change. This then developed into the Keeping Kokrobite Beautiful (KKB) Campaign, which aims to continue and develop the beach cleaning as well as starting the KKB Action Team which is working towards finding viable solutions to the lack of waste disposal for all those in the community.
I loved the flexibility GVI Ghana offers. Although I signed up for the International Development Internship, I was able to also get involved with our partner schools. I spent everyday getting to know, learning from and being inspired by the amazing children of Divine Home.
The weekends also offer so much, being able to explore the bits of paradise in Ghana. Travelling up and down the coast with your friends, seeing some incredible places and meeting even more beautiful people.
If you travel to Ghana with GVI you will have a life changing experience in which you gain so much from the people you are surrounded by, and are driven everyday by the impact you have.
I miss this country, community and everyone in it so much, and I’m hoping to travel out next year.
If you are reading this thinking twice about signing up, do it, please. Best 8 weeks EVER!!!❤️❤️❤️

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Year Completed