Virtual Internship @ Korean Company

Content: 4
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

The good thing about Meiji Internships is that the attention is extremely personalized, even when I felt like I was being too annoying they would just keep showing me different options and answering all my questions. At first I thought they only had connections with companies in Japan, but after they told me they had some good options for me in Korea I was sold. I never ran into any problems during my internship and I have to say even though I was doing fine and completing my tasks on time, the people at Meiji Internships would reach out to me every so often to check on my progress and to see if they could assist me in any way. I got in a tourism company so I had to be in touch with a lot of people (both coworkers and clients) so the environment was very dynamic and never got boring. Would recommend to anyone looking for an Asian company to intern at.

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