Straight to my CV

Content: 4
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

A lot of us are happy that most things are back open and we can do outdoorsy stuff with our friends. In order to do that though, I needed an internship that let me work from basically anywhere and anytime. I found Meiji and applied for an online internship in a Korean company, and that's pretty much it! Worked from home, hotels, cafes and even in public transport if I wanted to finish my tasks earlier and have more extra time to spend with my people. It's been a literal breath of fresh air and I strongly recommend this type of program if you prioritize being free to do whatever you want during the week and being in charge of your own schedule. From the companies they showed me, I can tell they are quality businesses and I never had a problem with my host company. They were the most welcoming people and at this point are very comfortable teaching you all you need to know to get going and start putting out quality content (I'm a designer) that meets their standards. I met a lot of people there and I keep especial contact with some that became my friends.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would