Tons of work and still worth it

Content: 4
Engagement: 5
Support: 5
Platform: 5
Value: 5

Are online internships here to stay? No clue but they might as well be, in my experience they are as demanding as any other type of internship or job. I spent most of my time writing and learning marketing stuff, which is directly related to my uni studies but not my main area of expertise. Nevertheless, it's a skillset that I wanted to develop so that I could apply in future jobs and include in my CV to expand my opportunities a little bit. I have a very good aftertaste of my internship at a Korean company, if anything, I am actually surprised of the amount of work I had to do (which is not inherently bad, I just thought I would be able to be lazy lol). This company is more than decent and will help you even if you somehow happen to run into any issues or if you just need assistance in negotiating with your host company.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed