Adventure & Leadership Spring 2022

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

The Adventure & Leadership program was a great mix between outdoor activities and travel. Some of my favorite memories were from surfing, sitting around the campfire, hikes with stunning views, exploring cities, and fun nights with the whole group. There were many overnight and day trips with a lot of driving, but the travel time was usually worth it for the unique locations we got to explore. There was a lot of free time to relax, and I loved spending peaceful time along the coast in Bundoran or at our favorite cafes in town, especially since the weather was always nicer than expected! The leadership workshops felt a bit incohesive at times, but I enjoyed spending time to reflect in nature. The leaders were great, and if we ever had a concern or problem, the they were there to help and open to our feedback. There was sometimes a lack of communication between the leaders and gappers, but it was never a big issue. Also, bikes were not provided, but it wasn’t an issue at all as it was an easy walk into town. Overall, I have loved my time here and have made great friends!!

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Yes, I would
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