Arcos Abroad 2022

Academics: 4
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Overall my experience in Granada, Spain was amazing. The people, the culture, the food, everything was fantastic. Arcos Abroad did a good job showing us this beautiful country but there are things they could change to make their program better. Other programs offered more support. I believe I was only asked once or twice about how my classes were going. Another thing that I think they could change is giving each student their own room. I, including some other students had to share rooms. Meanwhile, other students in the same program had their own rooms. Another thing they can change is giving more support and activities who arrive earlier than the rest of the students. Some students in our program took an intensivo Spanish course the first month. I didn't personally go through this, but was told by my peers that they felt lonely and had a difficult time during this period of time. These are a few problems that can be easily fixed. I think with these changes, Arcos can become a great program!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed