Great Experience!

Benefits: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I had a very good experience at my school. My coworkers were all very nice and helpful. Since I don't speak Korean very well, there were always questions from me and everyone was always willing to help me even if it was with google translate. My school had all the materials we needed and it wasn't hard to get used to the material. The students were lovely too. There's always the occasional difficult one but they were never rude, mean, or disrespectful to teachers. It is hard to say goodbye to the kids after being their teacher for a year. That's one of the more difficult parts of the job.

I would recommend this kind of job (hagwon teacher) to people with a passion for teaching. It is a tough job at times and you are expected to give it your all. There's always someone to help but at the end of the day, you are the one responsible to do the job. I wouldn't recommend the job to people who want to travel often around the country. You only get 1 week of vacation twice a year, so those were the only times that I had to travel. BUT those 2 weeks were spent to the max! As I said before, you will be working A LOT (sometimes even on the weekends), so those 2 weeks are very needed to decompress (you might not want to travel around but rest instead).

As for my experience with my recruiter, he was great! he gave me a list of tips to do better at my interview and they were super helpful. After getting my job offer, I had a lot of questions about my contract. My recruiter asked all my questions to the school and made sure that they answered them for me. He was always respectful and cheerful with me so I felt very comfortable communicating with him. Overall, my recruiter did a great job helping me find and get a job overseas. I wouldn't have gotten my job without him.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed