Reach to Teach in Taiwan

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

Reach to Teach got me my first TEFL job ever in Taiwan. At first glance, it almost seemed too good to be true, but it really exceeded my expectations.

After being waitlisted for the JET program, which was an extremely long process, I was very eager to find another way to get to Asia. I applied to RTT, and was surprised by how quickly they got back to me. I had an interview with Mitch within a few days, and got a decision almost immediately. Even though it was already May and I wanted to be there by the end of June, RTT managed to match me with a school and help me get my papers in order so quickly, that I got there before July.

Throughout my time in Taiwan, RTT was a great resource for socializing and getting to know Taipei. They regularly organized weekend activities, and I made some lifelong friends during my time there. Really, I couldn't be more pleased with how much they helped me. Taiwan was a life-changing year for me, and I couldn't have experienced it without RTT. I strongly recommend them if you're considering teaching in Taiwan.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would