Best job in Taipei? Possibly.

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

I've got a teaching degree and loads of experience in elementary and junior high school, so teaching kindi (age 2-6) wasn't my first choice. However, a friend who's worked here for 5 years told me she loves it. The staff here is friendly, even though some of them don't speak a lot of English. The coordinator is very helpful and kind, and the Chinese co-teachers are really good with the kids. The hours aren't long (M-F 8:30-4:30, with 1.5h off for lunch) and the pay is the usual going rate. You get bonuses here for perfect attendance, and every 3 months you get a performance review (with a substantial bonus). Sometimes the boss gets on a power trip and tries to order the entire staff to do ridiculous things, and sometimes a tiny child with pee on/throw up on/throw a temper tantrum at you, but over all the work environment is happy. I'm glad I got this job!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would