Argentina: Public Health in Urban Environments

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I think the program overall was very structured and rigorous but also fun. During the first two months you take a lot of classes and focus on academics. Traveling happens through the program. During the final month, you do an internship or independent study and have a lot of free time. Traveling happens on your own. The city of Buenos Aires where you live is a very lively city with lots to do, whether thats daytime cultural activities or night life. I lived with one host mom about a ten minute walk away from my classes and very near many bus and subte stops. All of the classes and activities are in Spanish, and the host families speak very little english as well. It is a full immersion program! The Argentine dialect and accent is a bit difficult to adjust to at first, but after a couple of weeks everything gets much easier! I loved my time there, and grew a lot as a Spanish speaker and person overall.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed