TEFL Level 5 Course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

This course was entirely online which was fantastic for me as it allowed me to combine the studying with my full time job. As I am a teacher the classroom practice wasn't important since I do this all day every day, I know there are options for the course to be taken in a format that does allow this though.

The content was challenging and certainly made me think hard about the use of English grammar which I hadn't studied for a long time! Many of the teaching tips and elements of the course are things I recognise from my professional career and the range of resources on offer in the course are certainly appropriate in my expereince.

A key element in my decision process about picking TTA over other providers is the fact that the qualification is OFQUAL accredited. Havng worked in the UK all my career I know this is an importnat factor here, I am confident it will be overseas too.

Overall I am happy to recommend.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed