Women’s empowerment volunteer

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I volunteered at GVI Ghana for 4 weeks on the women’s empowerment programme, and it was the most amazing experience- I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. There is a wide variety in the lessons and projects provided that you can get stuck in to- my favourites being gender based violence, menstrual health, and fit Ed - and within each of those you have the ability to help plan and deliver the classes. The team have a great relationship with the schools, and we work on other projects with them such as painting and beach cleans with the kids. The kids are amazing and definitely are one of the things that made my time there what it was- and I know many others felt the same. Gvi Ghana itself is incredible in its focus on making sure it's impact led, and above all else that all the work done is ethical. From day 1 there is a strong focus on the ethics of the work you’re doing which I believe is so so important, and is definitely something that stuck with me. Beyond your projects, you can spend free time on base which is a beautiful place to live; in Kokrobite which has many social places like Big Millys, Kokrobite gardens and an incredible beach; or there are organised trips every other weekend. These were such a highlight of the experience and you become immersed in the history and culture of Ghana, as well as getting to see some beautiful sights! I went to Volta and we hiked mountains, swam in waterfalls, saw monkeys, drank palm wine... it was the best weekend!! There are also weekend trips to Cape coast to see the historic slave castles, and to Ada. The staff are incredible- shoutout to Will for (sometimes) making everyone laugh, to Naa for her delicious cooking, to Joanna for her beautiful jewellery and much needed laundry service, and most of all to Matt for making GVI Ghana what it is. The base pets are the cutest little things as well (I was very close to putting them in my bag and taking them home)! The overall experience genuinely was amazing, I'm planning to go back already and I would urge anyone to go, you will not regret it. For me it was the best decision I ever made and I would do it a million times over again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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