I loved my semester with fashion weeks internships

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I am a Political Science and French major, and I travelled abroad with fashion weeks internships actually in Paris not NY for the spring 2023 semester! I absolutely loved my experience. The staff is wonderfully happy and friendly, so even when I came upon difficult situations at the beginning of my internship, I never doubted that everything would be ok. If you're also looking to improve your French skills, this is definitely a great program for you. In my team we spoke french and English everyday, and my proficiency improved over the course of four months. I also loved getting to know the city, and more of Europe as a whole. I felt culturally fulfilled by the time I finished.
The work to begin with can be little streesful but if you trust that you will get the hang of it, it becomes so much fun.I cannot recommend fashion weeks internship enough.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed