Very Legit Company, I enjoyed my Project

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the childcare and welfare project in Nakuru, Kenya. Everyone, volunteers and locals alike, were highly friendly and many locals would attempt to stop on the street to chat with you.

The accommodation was basic but suitable. Everyone had their own bed and the food each night was delicious! The tap water was not suitable to drink, which meant that you spend some money on bottled water.

The project itself was enlightening, and very worthwhile. Sometimes the work could be hard with the little children, as you would see issues that would be very unlikely to arise in the Germany, but the people /staff made everything worthwhile.

The weekends were packed full of tourist-safari trips, and it was very interesting to see the difference between "Locals-Kenya" and "Tourist-Kenya".

The project was an amazing and rewarding time of my life, and I made friends with people whom I hope I stay in touch with. The project felt well organized but also was relaxed and enjoyable.

Overall, I enjoyed my project and would volunteer with Go Volunteer Africa again in a heartbeat. The staff at GVA, especially Paul was very helpful in making the arrangements.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed