Women's Rights Program Review

Growth: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I spent three weeks at the Excellent Center in Hebron, Palestine, and i took part in the Women's Right program. In the first week, I attended several arabic classes for beginner: my teacher was welcoming and patient, and helped me to learn basic conversation tools that were useful for the entire project. In the following two weeks, I met several people and organizations who deal with human and women's right in Palestine, and I also had the occasion to organize a few workshop about women's right and gender-based violence for adolescents, together with other volunteers.
With respect to security and safety issue, I think it is important to share that in Hebron and in Palestine overall I totally felt safe, even when travelling alone as a solo woman.
I learnt a lot and would recommend the experience!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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