Human Rights/Refugee Program Review

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My name is Ashley, I have a Masters in International Relations and Middles Eastern Studies. I participated in the Human Rights program at the Excellence Center in Hebron and I thought the program provided me with an amazing and indepth experience. During my time with the center I was able to visit the surrounding Refugee Camps and meet the residence. I got to hear first hand the challanges that they face on a day to day basis. I also was fortunate enought to take in person Arabic courses through the center, the methods that they use to teacher were very successful and after just one week I was able to have basic conversations with the people I met in the city. Most importantly I was afforded the opprotunity to meet and bond with some of the most hospitable and resilent people I have ever met. The Staff at the center was incredible helpful and I am already planning my next trip. Over all it has been an incredible experience.

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Yes, I would
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