Read this before going

Housing: 1
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 2
Safety: 5

I am currently finishing the 6 week mini trip in hawaii. I have to say the only thing i really found enjoyable were the people and some of the activities. I feel PD was not very transparent about how poor the living conditions would be. we had 4 people crammed into a 2 person yurt, staying at an accommodation with about 10-15 people with 2 toilets and 1 shower. I could barely sleep due to how uncomfortable the living situations were. The packing list was also misleading, i was underprepared and overprepared. They didn’t give us any money in the budget for group snacks, and i spent hundreds on buying my own food. The 10$ a day for spending is not true. PD also didn’t tell me I would be spending 6-7$ on laundry, or getting laundry where the dryer doesn’t work or it is cold so all my clothes smelled weird and didn’t dry properly.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed