My Costa Rica Adventure

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 2
Safety: 4

My experience on my GLA program was completely life-changing. I traveled to Costa Rica alone, so I went into it very nervous about being away from home and whether the people would be inviting or not, but all of my nervousness went away when I started my program. I made lasting connections with many of my companions on this trip, and I made so many memories that will last a lifetime! The nighttime turtle walks were such an amazing experience, because on our third night walk, our group found a leatherback sea turtle. I was completely in awe when we discovered it, and it is something I may never would have experienced if not for this program. Also, as someone who is going into the environmental field, the experience that I had on this trip has inspired me more than any other experience in my life to pursue what I am passionate about.
The only downside to my experience is that my group and I were not prepared for their being no airconditioning in the house we stayed at, no WiFi, and only around two hours of electricity each day. I feel like it is not highlighted enough in the program description, for my group and I would have packed our attire differently if we had known. But overall, I would highly recommend this program to everyone!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed