Unique learning experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My trip to the Dominican Republic was an amazing experience. I feel as if this trip had so many different things to offer. From unique learning experiences to fun adventure activities and even great lodging. I went on this trip with little background knowledge of ocean conservation. I went in with an open mind. The service that we did was centered around not only learning about the ocean but also helping the community support conservation. The biggest thing I took away from this learning was that by learning more about how to take care of our coral reefs, I realized how easy it is to make small changes. In my day-to-day life, I can do small things that add up to make a significant impact on keeping our corals and ocean animals healthy. When we weren't doing service, we spent time exploring all that the Dominican Republic had to offer. As I have gone on two GLA trips based on my experience, the lodging for this trip was very comfortable. At the heart of all GLA trips were the people I met, who greatly impacted my experience. Whether that was people in the community or other students on the trip, they all helped to broaden my perspective of the world around me.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed