Most Incredible Experience of My Life

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Through this experience, I learned to be independent. In the Sydney program, you live on your own and have to get yourself to your internship through public transportation. Learning to use public transportation and learning my way through the city was my biggest accomplishment. I was so proud of myself by the end of my time in Sydney, because I could get myself absolutely anywhere in the city. I always felt completely safe using the public transportation. Everything was clean and everyone was very friendly.

I struggled to stay on a budget in Sydney. Everything is very expensive and I always wanted to go out and do things. I spent more than I had wanted to, but in the end I do not have a single regret. It was all worth it and every experience I had was incredible.

A few of the things that I got to do including: surfing, snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef, climbing the Harbor Bridge, and seeing a show in the opera house. And these are just the big things. My day to day life was just as exciting. We never had any down time, and the CAPA program was great about providing some activities for us to do. The staff was always very friendly and helpful, and I always felt very supported by them.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would