Changed My Life!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Without NorCap, I would have been a lost cause in Beijing. The expert staff of NorCap was committed to making my experience as remarkable as possible. They treated me like family even before I booked my ticket by informing me of the smallest details. The Managing Director personally welcomed me at the Beijing International Airport and escorted me to my apartment. I met the entire NorCap staff, who are the friendliest group, at my welcome dinner and immediately I had local contacts to speak with in any time of need.

Throughout my six months in Beijing, NorCap held several professional seminars, meet and greet workshops, social nights, and weekend trips. My most extraordinary memory was camping out on the Great Wall of China! These events were not mandatory and this rule set NorCap a part from other internship programs. The program does not 'hold your hand' throughout your time in Beijing. This crucial quality is what helped me build myself, by myself. You can live an expat life during your stay since you will be working full time. At the same time, if you have any questions or need any type of help, NorCap is always there.

Living in China was an adventure to say the least, an adventure that came with many challenges. These challenges only helped me graduate from a naive college student to an open-minded, daring, street-smart young adult. I changed for the better and I had the most unforgettable memories with the kindest souls. I am in the process of interviewing for jobs right now and every employer cannot stop asking questions about my China experience. They are incredibly impressed that I took advantage of this once in a lifetime internship opportunity. I would recommend this experience and the NorCap China Internship program in a heartbeat.

Thank you NorCap!

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Yes, I would